Shashank Mishra is an eight year old boy suffering from blood cancer, he belongs to a poor family where his parents are unable to arrange the money for his treatment. The total estimated cost for his treatment is around Rs 12 lakhs, his treatment is impossible without your help and support. Shashank and his family needs our support now. We need to stand besides them like a family, in every physical, mental and social prospect. As sanshanks health decorates it is a threat to our own society and its people that minors are dying due to poverty, due to lack of treatment in the 21st century also. So, Save The Girl has taken this initiate to collect funds from public and give them the basic needs for survival. Now the point is what can his parents do? what are they going through mentally? What will happen if his treatment is stopped? The answer is death. We are the ones who can help. Our support matters the most. It depends on the donors that the little child will get a life or not.
we request all of you to donate a considerable amount for this child so that his chemotherapy can be continued. His condition is already worsening due to lack of treatment. We are trying our best to collect this money for treatments please cooperate with us. As the amount is very huge this little heart can only be cured if each one of us contributes. This boy and his family need extreme mental support now, which can only be given if the treatment continues. Please let us all come forward in donating the money for a child whose mother has a last hope with the donors. Let us not take away her smile. Please come forward to donate the maximum amount for this young heart. Let us all come together and show that humanity still exists. Every single penny at times of needs count.

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OUR CORRESPONDENCE OFFICE ADDRESS: SAVE THE GIRL 89, HOUSING BOARD SOCIETY, NR. YADUVANSHI SCHOOL, SEC. 33, GURGAON-122003M-6, Plot No. B-1/2, Bhanot Bhawan, Nani Wala Bagh Commercial Complex, Azadpur, Delhi-110033